Apple-producing countries in Eastern Europe will have their largest apple harvest ever in the 2021-2022 season
December / 2022
Created At: 14:12  
Updated At: 13:12

Apple producers in Eastern Europe and apple exporters in the EU will compete more with each other for the same markets this season, according to Andriy Yarmak, the economist at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Investment Center.

Iran was the second largest global exporter with export volumes approaching China in the previous season. Iran competes with Moldova and Serbia in the Russian apple market, and with Ukraine and the EU in the Middle East and Asian markets.

Growing almost as fast as Iran in the apple market, Turkey exports approximately 300,000 tons of apples per season. In addition to competing with Moldova and Serbia in the Middle East, the EU, Ukraine, and Russia, Turkey is also expanding very rapidly in the Indian market.

Ukraine, which cannot supply apples to the Russian market; Vietnam does not yet have the competitive conditions to enter important and fast-growing apple markets such as India, Indonesia, and Egypt.;

The fact that Russia will reduce apple imports by 60-80,000 tons after the record harvest will lead Moldova and Serbia to find new markets for apple exports.

Despite the delayed harvest in 2021, the Russian apple market is brimming with cheap apples at their lowest price levels ever.

In Moldova, which cannot sell its relatively low apple harvest in the 2020 season, the apple harvest may increase by 150-180 thousand tons this season. This increase can make it difficult for a country with such a small local market.

Ukraine, Serbia, and Moldova have to find another market outside of Russia where they can sell 180,000 tons of apples. These countries exported a maximum of 67,000 tons of apples in the 2018/2019 season.

In the Middle East and Asia, where the EU, Iran, and Turkey have strengthened since 2018, they will compete hard to find a market for themselves and will harvest more apples.

Indicators China's in 2021; It shows that it will continue to be a global exporter, harvesting more apples compared to 2020. Unable to regain access to the Russian market, China's pressure on the Asian apple markets will continue.

Indicators show that apple consumption, which has risen sharply in Europe in 2020, has dropped again.

Due to the increase in apple production approaching 300 thousand tons in Southern Hemisphere countries, these countries are expected to export more apples to Asia.

The unusually high level of apple stocks in Europe for the 2020/2021 season increases the pressure on this market, shortening the duration of the next season.

The delayed apple harvest, especially in Eastern Europe, means that farmers will have at least two weeks less time to sell their apples, which shortens the season.

The “container crisis” and increases in sea freight costs will become a serious problem for Eastern European apple exporters targeting premium markets in Asia and the Middle East, putting pressure on prices.

Apple juice concentrate; Price increases are not expected in the industrial apple markets, as the market is lost to more trendy beverages.

The only positive news for the global apple market seems to be the only positive news for the global apple market that the USA will reduce the apple harvest and exports.


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